Phased Retirement

Phased Retirement

Is it Right for You? Trying to figure out the best age to retire can be a little like trying to predict the weather – years in advance. There are pros and cons to retiring at any age. If no retirement age seems quite right for you, you may be interested in phased...
Supporting Your Adult Children

Supporting Your Adult Children

The financial implications It’s a common scenario. Your adult child calls you. There’s a problem, and he needs money – again. You want to help, and you have some money in savings, so you write the check or make the transfer. A month or two later, the details repeat....
Living the Dream

Living the Dream

How to plan for retirement Will your retirement be fun, social and affordable? Or will you be bored, lonely and broke? Although many factors contribute to the quality of your retirement, one factor makes a significant difference and is within your power to change –...
How Much Do I Need to Retire?

How Much Do I Need to Retire?

Saving for retirement Everyone knows they need to save for retirement, but how much they need to save is less clear. Some numbers – like $1 million – get thrown around. Many people don’t have this amount. In fact, according to a report from the U.S Government...